Remote mobile spy is a special kind of mobile spy software program. Typical cell phone spy software, which I like to refer to as
local cell phone spyware, gets installed to the mobile phone you want to spy on. The way mobile phone spy software of this type works is once installed to the target phone the application sits and waits for events to occur such as an incoming call or outgoing call, incoming text message or outgoing text message, etc. When these occur the spy application silently transfers data and information to a website which is your cell phone spy members area. Most typical examples of this type of spy software include
spy bubble and
mobile spy.
The biggest drawback to this type of mobile spyware is you do have to be able to get access to the phone you want to spy on to install the spy program. Even though the process of installing this type of spy software doesn't take long, typically about 5 minutes, for some people this is completely out of the question. Another drawback to local spy software is the phone spy software must be compatible with the cell phones operating system and hardware. A huge number of people today have prepaid work contract free cell phones like Metro PCS and Straight Talk. These type of cell phones don't have the hardware and operating system that is compatible with local cell phone spy software
(the type that gets installed to the phone you're going to spy on). This is where the need for a remote cell phone spy like
cell control comes into play.
The way a remote mobile spy works is you install the application to your own cell phone and not the one you want to spy on. This means that you were cell phone must be compatible. Another great thing about cell control is they have two packages. One is for newer cell phones and one is for older cell phones. If your cell phone, the one you would install the remote spy software to, is less than three years old use the If your cell phone is more than three years old use